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The Calvary Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School had its beginning at 1222-30th Street, Newport News, Virginia in the early nineteen hundreds.


This great accomplishment was made possible through the efforts of two men,  Elder John Benjamin Mallory and  Elder Arthur J. Evelyn.


In 1918, Elder Mallory came to the Virginia Conference (A.K.A.-Virginia Conference Agency for Seventh-Day Adventists) to pastor the Richmond and Newport News churches. Being a firm believer in Christian Education he recognized the need of a church school in Newport News, Virginia. One was started approximately between 1919-1922.


The school was named, “Seventh Day Adventist Church School No. 2.” This being the second Adventist church established in this city is the reason why the number two was affixed to its name.


The church was small with only two rooms. The smallest was the class room and shared as the children’s Sabbath School class on Sabbaths. Quarterly it was used in conjunction with the communion services.


Non-Adventist parents in the community who wanted quality education for their children, enrolled them. Since the congregation was very small, this was a financial blessing for the school.


The first teacher was Mrs. Victoria Jordan followed by Miss Malarky.

Some of the first known students were: Hazel Boothe-Patterson, Mary Justice Evans, Paul Evans, Lorraine Holloman-Williams, Olee Owens-Briggs, Emanuel Tucker, Harry Tucker and Booker Turner.


During the year 1920 the conference sent Elder Arthur J. Evelyn to labor with Elder Mallory in the Virginia area. For this vineyard, the team was great.

Elder Arthur J. Evelyn was sent to minister to the Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News churches. Elder Mallory began ministering in other parts of Virginia.

Listed are some known occupations of the first students who became very productive in the city of Newport News. Pharmacist, proprietor of the drug store, grocer, proprietor of the store, clerk (in one other pharmacy), and cosmetologist.


The school was closed between 1927-1928.


In September 1940, the school was re-opened at 1127 33rd Street, Newport News, Virginia under the pastorate of Elder Alan A. Anderson. The teacher was Miss Elvira Mason-Enis a graduate of Oakwood College.


Some of the first known students were: Bennie W. Mann, is presently (1996) the Treasurer of Allegheny East Conference of Seventh Day Adventist. Charles Mann, Margaret Mann-Banks, Catherine Mann-Gibson and Dempsey Pettway.


Again the School produced students who became successful in various professions, namely:


Dietary Manager in a hospital

Retirees from the United States Air Force and Navy


This school ended in 1945.


In 1964 Elder James W. Thomas was transferred to be the pastor of the church. Upon his arrival he informed the church of his goal that of having a church school.


Under this leadership along with Sister Ethel Nell, Bible Instructor, the church purchased a building from the  Pilgram’s Holiness Congregation, 934 Hampton Avenue, Newport News, Virginia. The purpose of buying was for a church school. This agreement culminated on October 14, 1964. The School was named by the church body on November 14, 1964,
Calvary Seventh Day Elementary School.”


The tenure of Elder John W. Thomas ended on January 2, 1965. His dream of opening the school did not materialize.


Elder William C. Scales, Jr. became pastor, January 23, 1965. Due to a growing congregation the Presbyterian’s education building, 1700 17th Street, Newport News, Virginia was purchased. Truly God was leading all the way. This building was quite suitable for a church and school.


This dream of a school was turned into a reality under the leadership of Elder Leonard Newton in 1968. This was the second re-opening of the school.


It began with a Day Care Center for five year olds along with first through fourth grades, as Mrs. Ora Newton being the teacher. The hot lunches were prepared by Mrs. Maude Green, Food Service Manager.


Through divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit working through the pastors, members and friends, the establishing of Christian Education in Newport News, Virginia has been and still is as a shining light.


The following illuminations of Christian Education are being reflected even in this year of 1996.

  1. This school year for Calvary Elementary (1995-1996) has been in continuous operation for twenty-eight years.
  2. The current completion of our Church Hymnal being used today is credited to Charles Lee Brooks, Chairman of the Hymnal Committee (Ref. page 8 in church hymnal). His grandparents were Randall and Victoria Evans. Additional credit is given to his grandparents who were instrumental in promoting the beginning of Christian Education in the city of Newport News.
  3. Lloyd Mallory, Jr., Music Director of Pine Forge Academy is the great grandson of Elder John Benjamin Mallory and son of Lloyd Sr. and Diane Mallory. Under his leadership the Pine Forge Academy Choir has had successful tours within the United States including singing in the White House. They have traveled out of the United States performing concerts. In November 1995, they completed their second Caribbean tour.
  4. Michael Jones is an instructor at Pine Forge Academy and is the son of Mildred Evelyn Jones, retired school teacher. He also is the grandson of Elder Arthur J. Evelyn, one of the other pioneers.

Nearing the shores of the Chesapeake Bay is the location of Calvary School. It still gives illuminous light of Christian Education in the city of Newport News, Virginia.

Researched by: Ruth C. Thornton

Contributors: Ollie Stewart

Ollie E. Cheatham

Mildred Evelyn Jones

Lloyd Mallory Sr.

Ruth Mallory Long

Grace Hines, (Church Clerk)

Loretta G. Drew

Carolyn Rattliff



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